
This page gives an overview of the various Head and Weak based keywords that bioNerDS used to help it to identify previously unknown resource names. In general, these words are case insensitive, and will match both singular and plural variants. Additionally, words with a dash below will be accepted with a dash, without a dash, or with a space. Weak verbs will generally be accepted in any tense form.

For the complete regular expressions (based in GATE's JAPE), see the associated JAPE files here.

Blacklisted Keywords

  1. Algorithm
  2. Approach
  3. Consortium
  4. Estimator
  5. File Format
  6. File
  7. Format
  8. Measure
  9. Method
  10. Operating System
  11. Programing Language
  12. Programming Language
  13. Statistic

Head Keywords


  1. Archive
  2. Atlas
  3. Catalog
  4. Catalogue
  5. Classification
  6. Collection
  7. Database
  8. Gateway
  9. Hierarchy
  10. Index
  11. Knowledgebase
  12. Portal
  13. Project
  14. Registry
  15. Repository
  16. Resource


  1. Application
  2. Browser
  3. Frame-Work
  4. Library
  5. Package
  6. Pipe-Line
  7. Program
  8. Programme
  9. Server
  10. Service
  11. Simulator
  12. Software
  13. Suite
  14. System
  15. Tool
  16. Tool-Kit
  17. Viewer
  18. Web-Services
  19. Workbench

Weak Keywords


  1. Alignment
  2. Annotation
  3. Entry
  4. Home-Page
  5. Record
  6. Term
  7. Web-Site


  1. Achieve
  2. Build
  3. Calculate
  4. Compile
  5. Compute
  6. Create
  7. Develop
  8. Execute
  9. Implement
  10. Process
  11. Produce
  12. Provide
  13. Reference
  14. Retrieve
  15. Run
  16. Simulate
  17. Update
  18. Use
  19. View


  1. Interface
  2. Platform
  3. Revision
  4. Version